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Guidelines for Treatment

  • Please use "quiet space voices" while waiting for treatment. Thank you :)

  • There is a 24 hr cancellation policy. Full fee will be charged to the credit card that was used to reserve your appointment

  • Showering before your massage is really appreciated. Thank you :)

  • No Jewelry please. Thank you :)

  • Limited or No talking while massage session is in progress is much preferred, unless necessary

  • Hair in a bun or tied loosely please. Thank you :)

  • All injuries/surgeries/medical treatments should be indicated before massage session on the intake form to indicate any (ROM) Range of motion issue that may pertain to a past or recent injury, as well as any health or mental related issues. Massage is profoundly helpful for Anxiety and Stress relief  

  • Please Leave all negative energy outside of the treatment room. Thank you :)

  • The ultimate goal of your session today is to walk out into the world as a new human in touch with the present moment

  • A Spiritual journey, guided by unseen, other-worldly, magical, powerful and miraculous energies...An enlightening spiritual experience of healing as your body enters the world again

  • Music Selection is tailored to each session, and according to clients' comfort

***Music can range anywhere from 432Hz, 528Hz frequency, lo-fi chill, classical to Classic Rock, and anything in between... Music is the language of the soul, and can be an extremely useful self-care tool to continue in assisting your healing journey*** 

If 'vaccinated', please refrain from scheduling a massage appointment for at least 30 days after your last shot. Thank you Kindly.

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